Advice for domestic survival

Consigli di sopravvivenza domestica, vigneto Canelle basso

by Arianna Greci, Year II of the postgraduate course in Contemporary Visual Arts (A.Y. 2021/22)

Arianna Greci

I investigate the meaning and the shape of intimate and daily spaces. My artistic research leads me to study the appropriation of daily space, both public and private, from a physical, social, psychological and emotional point of view. Places, landscapes and atmospheres I live in influence my imaginary and artistic production. 
I appreciate writing and drawing. The text is both an image and a pure meaning expressed and perceived simply and directly: it can be created in a slow and meditated manner or as an instantaneous intuition and reading of a fleeting moment, or yet an image or a feeling. 
Drawings are the result of extensive observation, they establish a strong relationship with the subject and the substrate used, a slow and methodical path to discovery.

– Arianna Greci

The concept behind Advice for domestic survival

Wine and its production have always played a key role in the culture and habits of the Italian people. Every meal, every event and above all every holiday or festive occasion has always been accompanied and celebrated with a glass, a bottle of wine or a toast. 

This totem speaks to the artist’s long-standing work on writing, casting a glance to the area and its habits. It is called Advice for domestic survival [Consigli di sopravvivenza domestica]: it (currently) lists forty suggestions of actions, gestures and thoughts to be performed at home. Houses change and grow around their dwellers: they become a nest, a refuge, a cage or a foreign body.

Although tailored to a special moment, each piece of advice for domestic survival is always relevant, valid and practicable. They can accompany daily boredom, the slow passing of time in a winter afternoon or on a spring Sunday. The sentence written for Ca’ Del Bosco was inspired by existing advice in the list of the forty suggestions, and then reworked.

Reach the installation at the Canelle Basso vineyard