by Laura Sangalli, Year II of the postgraduate course in Contemporary Visual Arts (A.Y. 2021/22)

My work focuses on space, on how it can influence feelings and emotions. Specifically it is about how colors, textures and materials can determine a feeling of wellbeing and comfort. Whenever possible, I love to add scraps or materials recovered that I transform, giving them new life and a new look.
– Laura Sangalli
I am also particularly interested in creative, low-budget solutions and in installations in public spaces, because I believe that people are entitled to have beauty in their lives.
The concept behind All in its place
My work is made to prompt the viewer thinking about the slow and relentless passing of time, forced waits and rhythms dictated by nature. Time, waits and seasonality are both essential and unavoidable in wine production, just like all the agricultural activities that re-enact past traditions.
The installation is an oval, roundish composition recalling an egg, a seed, a drop or a womb: archaic primeval images of life, birth and a strong feeling of home and solace.
The spiral shape and the complex assembly of natural materials is inspired by bird nests and anthills. It is meant to be a safe haven and home, its roots and comfort found in Nature.
The Franciacorta, home of Ca’ del Bosco, is a unique and precious space one must care for and respect. How? By choosing sustainable organic agriculture, respecting rhythms and ecosystems embellished by works of art.
Like winemaking, creating a work of art is slow and repetitive but never the same: you have to select the suitable fragment of nature, process it and skillfully combine it with the others to create a harmonious object. It is an invitation to return to more natural living and working patterns, so as to respect and care for the environment, that is, for one’s home.
The title All in its place refers to a saying from Brescia, [Töt al sò post] as in the dialect it literally means that everything is in its rightful place, a way of saying that everything is all right as everything and every person is in the place most natural for them.
Ca’ del Bosco has become the custodian of the land it is part of, it takes care and respects it, thanks to the conscious choices to have everything All in its place, so that everything will work well for future generations.
Work in progress for realizing All in its place