
Ripopolamento, vigneto Canelle alto

by Simona Suardi, Year III of the Sculpture Course (A.Y. 2021/22)

Simona Suardi ritratto

My name is Simona Suardi and I am currently attending the Sculpture course at “SantaGiulia” Fine Arts Academy, in Brescia.
I live in a village near Bergamo and it had a deep impact on my personal point of view.
Artistically I am interested in depicting the simplicity of nature.
I have taken part in multiple competitions for the design of several installations (e.g. the Cloister of Santa Marta, in Bergamo), paintings (the Municipalities of Martinengo and Romano, in Bergamo) and sculptures (Cavernago, in Bergamo). I was recently awarded a scholarship for an internship at the Vatican Museums.

– Simona Suardi

The concept behind Repopulating

My work – Repopulating – refers to the repopulation of wildlife taking place in some parts of the land of the Ca’ del Bosco Winery, which is where the project is thought for. An increase in some insect numbers has been reported in Franciacorta: this has been possible thanks to special attention for the preservation of the environment while attempting to limit the impact that large numbers of insects could have on the estate. The most common insects have been included in to symbolize the underlying idea.

Work in progress for realizing Repopulating

Reach the installation at the Canelle Alto vineyard