Balance Synthesis

Sintesi dell'equilibrio, vigneto Sant'Anna

by Emanuele Mini, Year III of Sculpture (A.Y. 2021/22)

Mini Emanuele - ritratto

I am 24 and I live in Nave, in the hinterland of Brescia. Following Art High School, I continued at “SantaGiulia” Fine Arts Academy, where I am currently attending Year III of Sculpture.
My artistic ideas draw inspiration from the inner sphere of creativity through extreme expression. My feeling goes beyond the subtle, sharp and raw boundaries of the doors and windows of the soul, that become acceptable thanks to their unquestionable nature.
My constancy can be seen in a large number of completed works. It enables me both to experiment and to carry out deep research, delving into the innermost and most covert existence of humans. 
I am driven by an active personal exploration aimed at the subconscious sphere.

– Emanuele Mini

The concept behind Balance Synthesis

My project for Ca’ del Bosco started with my memories of past times in my uncle’s vineyard. I spent afternoons in a little lane known as ronco, looking at the shapes vines took on, the wires tying the parts, the training posts and the colors of the wood. 
The more I looked at them, the more I realized both the natural and artificial elements lived harmoniously side by side creating a balance. 

I then translated all this set into an ecosystem, interpreted it as a living organism with a soul that gives gifts. 
When I imagined Balance Synthesis I started with a composition of all the elements. 
In preparing the sketches, I realized I wanted to reach a syntheses of the shape, maintaining only the main element, that is the vine’s cane and making the natural crack its soul. 
I charred a piece of wood using an ancient ecofriendly Japanese technique – known as Shou Sugi Ban – to make it better suited for outdoor exhibiting. As mentioned, the wood cleavage stands for the soul. I cast bronze into it, an element witnessing the life of the stock even when time will have returned it to the soil.

Work in progress for realizing Balance Synthesis

Reach the installation at the Sant’Anna vineyard