by Anna Carola Aristo, Year III, Painting (A.Y. 2021/22)

I was born and I live in Preseglie, a small village on the slopes of Mount Poffe, in Val Sabbia (Brescia). I am attending the third year of Painting at the “SantaGiulia” Academy in Brescia. Growing up, plants and animals were part of my daily life, and so I developed, in the artistic field, a great interest in everything related to natural world, ecosystems and ecology. I prefer drawing, engraving and sculpting. Drawing and engraving allow me to trace dark and strong or also faint signs, which are simple but extremely expressive. They represent the basis of artistic creation, and the boundary between what is and what is not. They identify the object, define and rationalize it, make it plastic and vital, suggest images that pulsate with the natural forms that inspire me. Through sculpture I express soft and sinuous shapes, which remind me of the tenderness of the creatures of the world, and I try to give new voices and forms to nature and land through an introspective journey.
– Anna Carola Aristo
The concept behind Sunsound
In ancient spiritual traditions there is an identification with sound vibration as the origin of everything, and even for science, sound is information capable of ordering matter. Listening to sounds and melodies provides a sense of bliss due to the production and release of endorphins capable of boosting immune defenses and raising the pain threshold and lowering stress. And the same thing happens with plants: they tend to thrive while listening to sounds in the frequencies between 115Hz-250Hz.
The work Sunsound consists of a Wind Gong that recalls the warm shape of the sun, sounding deep, meditative, long and steady, like the time it takes for vines and grapes to grow until the harvest. A music that has a message for the wind to be delivered to every corner of the vineyard, to every grape, to every creature that inhabits Franciacorta. A natural massage of hope, growth, fertility, transformation and intoxication. The gong is linked to the elements on which the prosperity of the vineyard depends: heat, the sunlight that warms the soul of the plant, the rich earth that nourishes the roots, the wind that carries the sound of life, a vibration that restores the souls, and the water without which nothing could exist, the vital flow of all things.
The large bronze instrument is located in the center of the totem pole, and the user will be able to strike it with the vine-wood mallet, playing and participating in the life cycle of the plant to give that last essential gush of creation. The work aims to give a stronger connection between the viewer and the vine through action, between what is seen, what is heard, what is there but not noticed, and what is hidden and sometimes unknown.
Work in progress for realizing Sunsound